Watch Kai Lenny's video to learn all about his top speed wingfoil challenge, and check out the Lift foil setup he's riding for wing surfing.

Kai Lenny has consistently pushed the limits of what’s possible out on the water, and has carried this intensity and passion over into foiling as well. We’re proud that Kai has trusted Lift Foils hardware for his latest challenge – pushing for the fastest speed possible on a wingfoil.
In this video, watch Kai ride in wild winds up to 35 knots! On his wing foil setup, which includes a Lift 60 surf (coming to our lineup soon!) and a 36″ Lift mast, Kai was able glide through the lulls with no problem, and on the gusts he projected forward at serious speed. Watch the whole thing below, and see just how fast Kai was able to clock in on his Lift setup!