Our affiliate Cook eFoiling tells us about discuss their history, experiences, and recommendations for eFoiling in Lake Tahoe and Donner Lake.
Tell us a little bit about you and the Cook eFoiling team!
So far the team is just me and my girlfriend Jen! I was born and raised in North Lake Tahoe, and have almost always had to travel for work when I was a videographer in the ski industry. This summer I’m proud to finally bring my career home and operate Cook eFoiling on Tahoe and surrounding lakes.
How did you discover Lift Foils?
I was introduced to Lift Foils at Floras Lake in Oregon where I was a kiteboarding instructor. Kite foiling was my stepping off point into the world of hydrofoils, ever since my first successful rides I’ve been hooked.
What’s your favorite eFoil size or wing configuration and why?
So far the smallest eFoil I’ve used is the 5’0″, but I think the next board I get will be the 4’4″, smaller is better once you get the hang of it.
What excites you about eFoiling?
eFoiling has allowed me to explore, in the course of about 3 weeks, more of Lake Tahoe than in the rest of my life combined. It can be carried and put in the water literally anywhere, and can be done without a team of people. True freedom.

What regions do you work out of, and what does your company offer demos, lessons, etc?
Cook eFoiling operates primarily in Lake Tahoe and Donner Lake, we offer lessons in multiple flavors: 1-on-1, 1-on-2, and big group lessons called “eFoil parties”.
Tell us about one of your most interesting water or adventure experiences, whether foil related or not!
Last month a sea lion attacked me while Kiting in Bandon, Oregon, jumping out of the water in an attempt to bite me and colliding with my board, knocking me into the water. Definitely thought I might die, and immediately abandoned my board and kite looped to the beach.
What are some your go-to eFoiling spots?
DL Bliss State Park on Tahoe is pure magic.
Any tips for watersports enthusiasts visiting Lake Tahoe?
Sunrise and sunset are the times to be in the water! Unbelievable glassy conditions, seaplanes, and oldschool woodies cruising around make a pretty remarkable and unique atmosphere. Use the middle of the day to lounge and avoid the chop.
How can interested people who are going to be in your area reach out?
Visit my website: CookeFoiling.com